twenty six again.

this past weekend, eight of my favorite gals and myself went on a weekend adventure.  it was my birthday, and any excuse to get away and stay in a fun hotel...i am there!  (also, i think i have an addiction to planning things and organizing trips -i do this in my head all the time and always have something planned on the computer, but when it all comes together FOR REAL, all the said people are there and the plan is in actions, nothing is better really!)  
more than anything, i was amazed at how blessed i am.  blessed to have such good friends. friends with such high morals.  friends with character.  friends who love unconditionally.  friends, despite our religious differences, still realize our common ground.  friends who support me when the going gets tough. friends who laugh with me and at me. 
i could not get over it all weekend, that nine of us were all together. that nine people could work out their schedules so they could all be in the same place at the same time, overwhelmed me.  at one point, there were eleven of us (my cousin and his girlfriend joined us for dinner and a movie), i could hardly concentrate on "he's just not that into you" (and Lord only knows, this is a movie that i DID need to FOCUS on!) for looking down the entire row and seeing all "my people" filling the entire row.  it was overwhelming, and i felt love.  
i tend to loose focus, and things start to blur.  sometimes i am so focused on work and the here and now (that's a great song too, by the way!), that i forget to be thankful.  this weekend reminded me that i am blessed.  i should always be thankful.  always.  forever and ever. amen.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

YAY! Thanks! Lovin' your blog! SO FUN!

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