going to the chapel: chapter 18

my mama. cracks me up.

other than the fact that i think she still thinks i'm twelve, she is a character. if you know her, you know i am right.

monday, she came to nashville to bring some presents that her friends had given her for myself and brad. she also brought some envelopes that had cards with cash and gift cards.  they were already opened.  they clearly said "jessica and brad" and they were opened by jane because, "well, i just wanted to see what you got."  and there you have it.

maybe i need to start telling people from here on out addresses your gifts to "jessica, brad and jane" especially if she gets to us before us, because she will open them!  also, she brought with her two gifts wrapped (still) and said, "oh, open these i have been dying to see what they were."  i had told her two weeks ago when she asked to open them then to wait, because since brad had not opened any for us, i wanted him to get to open them.  and since the cards were a no go...at least we have two presents.

again, on monday, i said, "no, i don't want to open them now.  i was going to wait and let brad."  her reply, "oh, he doesn't care, open them now."  

i opened them now.  because, after all she is my mama and i have to listen.  they were pans and a dutch oven.  brad would have been thrilled opening these (read sarcasm).  i WAS thrilled, and so was my mom, so good thing i went against my better judgement and opened them myself.

after she showed me our gift cards (that she had opened) and i opened our presents, quick as a flash she was gone.

but not before...she went over to the right side of my car and pretended to look at the grass while glancing at my tire and said, "well, this is sure some pretty grass..."  

to which i said, "i see you looking at my tire, you aren't that sneaky.  i am changing it this WEEK!"  i have a regular good size tire on it right now, but the hubcap is not on it and i need to take it and get it put back on...and its been a while and i have not taken it because i HAVE NO TIME to change a tire.  it is never in my to do list of daily activities.

and please do not get on to me and tell me that i should take care of it.  i have a mom that already does that, and opens my cards and presents, in case you have forgotten.

i keep thinking about the wedding and the table that will hold all the presents and the cards.  i plan on getting a basket for guest to put cards in if they bring one...i have a feeling she will be collecting them as they come in and opening them and keeping a running tally in her head all night.   reporting back to me.

oh lordy.

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